论文 5:Structure Aware Single-Stage 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud
擇要:阿里巴巴达摩院在主動駕驶 3D 物體檢测方面又有新功效公布。达摩院一篇名為《Structure Aware Single-Stage 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud》的论文入選 CVPR 2020。
该论文提出了一個通用、高機能的檢测器,初次實现 3D 物體檢测精度與速率的兼得,有用晋升主動駕驶體系平安機能。该论文团队暗示,「檢测器是主動駕驶體系的焦點组件之一,但這一范畴一向以来缺乏立异和冲破,這次咱們提出的檢测器交融了单阶段檢测器和两阶段檢测器的上風,是以同時實现了 3D 檢测精读和速率的晋升,将来檢测器的立异鑽研還可以解决主動駕驶财產的更多灾题。」
1. Stanza: A Python Natural Language Processing Toolkit for Many Human Languages. (from Peng Qi, Yuhao Zhang, Yuhui Zhang, Jason Bolton, Christopher D. Manning)
2. Recent Advances and Challenges in Task-oriented Dialog System. (from Zheng Zhang, Ryuichi Takanobu, Minlie Huang, Xiaoyan Zhu)
3. A Formal Analysis of Multimodal Referring Strategies Under Co妹妹on Ground. (from Nikhil Krishnaswamy, James Pustejovsky)
4. Rethinking Batch Normalization in Transformers. (from Sheng Shen, Zhewei Yao, Amir Gholami, Michael Mahoney, Kurt Keutzer)
8. Diversity, Density, and Homogeneity: Quantitative Characteristic Metrics for Text Collections. (from Yi-An Lai, Xuan Zhu, Yi Zhang, Mona Diab)
9. Word Sense Disambiguation for 158 Languages using Word Embeddings Only. (from Varvara Logacheva, Denis Teslenko, Artem Shelmanov, Steffen Remus, Dmitry Ustalov, Andrey Kutuzov, Ekaterina Artemova, Chris Biemann, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Alexander Panchenko)
10. Utilizing Language Relatedness to improve Machine Translation: A Case Study on Languages of the Indian Subcontinent. (from Anoop Kunchukuttan, Pushpak Bhattacharyya)
本周 10 篇 CV 精選论文是:
1. Child Face Age-Progression via Deep Feature Aging. (fromDebayan Deb, Divyansh Aggarwal, Anil K. Jain)
2. Generalizing Face Representation with Unlabeled Data. (from Yichun Shi, Anil K. Jain)
3. Differential Treatment for Stuff and Things: A Simple Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Semantic Segmentation. (from Zhonghao Wang, Mo Yu, Yunchao Wei, Rogerior Feris, Jinjun Xiong, Wen-mei Hwu, Thomas S. Huang, Honghui Shi)
4. Deep Affinity Net: Instance Segmentation via Affinity. (from Xingqian Xu, Mang Tik Chiu, Thomas S. Huang, Honghui Shi)
5. High-Order Information Matters: Learning Relation and Topology for Occluded Person Re-Identification. (from Guan'an Wang, Shuo Yang, Huanyu Liu, Zhicheng Wang, Yang Yang, Shuliang Wang, Gang Yu, ErjinZhou, Jian Sunn)
7. Frustratingly Simple Few-Shot Object Detection. (from Xin Wang, Thomas E. Huang, Trevor Darrell, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Fisher Y)
8. Personalized Taste and Cuisine Preference Modeling via Images. (from Nitish Nag, Bindu Rajanna, Ramesh Jain)
9. Semantic Pyramid for Image Generation. (from Assaf Shocher, Yossi Gandelsmam, Inbar Mosseri, Michal Yarom, Michal Irani, William 歐博百家樂,T. Freeman, Tali Dekel)
10. Curriculum DeepSDF. (from Yueqi Duan, Haidong Zhu, He Wang, Li Yi, Ram Nevatia, Leonidas J. Guibas)
本周 10 篇 ML 精選论文是:
1. Post-Estimation Smoothing: A Simple Baseline for Learning with Side Information. (from Esther Rolf, Michael I. Jordan, Benjamin Recht)
2. Compressing deep neural networks on FPGAs to binary and ternary precision with HLS4ML. (from Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Javier Duarte, Philip Harris, Duc Hoang, Sergo Jindariani, Edward Kreinar, Mia Liu, Vladimir Loncar, Jennifer Ngadiuba, Kevin Pedro, Maurizio Pierini, Dylan Rankin, Sheila Sagear, Sioni Su妹妹ers, Nhan Tran, Zhenbin Wu)
3. Semi-supervised Disentanglement with Independent Vector Variational Autoencoders. (from Bo-Kyeong Kim, Sungjin Park, Geonmin Kim, Soo-Young Leee)
4. Tensor Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-relational and Robust Learning. (from Vassilis N. Ioannidis, Antonio G. Marques, Georgios B. Giannakis)
5. Toward Interpretable Machine Learning: Transparent Deep Neural Networks and Beyond. (from Wojciech Samek, Grégoire Montavon, Sebastian Lapuschkin, Christopher J. Anders, Klaus-Robert Müller)
6. Intra Order-preserving Functions for Calibration of Multi-Class Neural Networks. (from Amir Rahimi, Amirreza Shaban, Ching-An Cheng, Byron Boots, Richard Hartley)
7. Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Continuous Cooperative Control. (from Christian Schroeder de Witt, Bei Peng, Pierre-Alexandre Kamienny, Philip Torr, Wendelin Böhmer, Shimon Whiteson)
8. ParKCa: Causal Inference with Partially Known Causes. (from Raquel Aoki, Martin Ester)
9. Anomalous Instance Detection in Deep Learning: A Survey. (from Saikiran Bulusu, Bhavya Kailkhura, Bo Li, Pramod K. Varshney, Dawn Song)
10. Regret Bound of Adaptive Control in Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Systems. (from Sahin Lale, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Babak Hassibi, Anima Anandkumar)