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發表於 2024-4-24 18:02:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are nowadays not only a standard accessory in new cars, but also an important milestone on the road to autonomous dri新店汽車借款,ving.


Be it keeping the lane and distance to the vehicle in front or parking in tight spaces: The more the technical assistants are supposed to be able to do independently, the better the neural networks on which the systems are based have to be trained for this. Accordingly, the data sets used continue to grow.


Yet, this raises a question: to what extent do the training data actually reflec能量梳,t the operational domains of the ADAS? This is often of secondary importance and rarely checked. In order to reduce the systems’ susceptibility to errors, only the quantity of data has been kept constantly increasing up to now. This results in unnecessarily complex, lengthy and thus also inefficient development processes.


ARRK Engineering has therefore developed an approach to analyze the models with regard to concrete operational domains and relevant scenarios, such as urban traffic or motorways. Data that is inaccurate or distorts reality can be corrected or removed and the ADAS can be trained in a targeted, reliable and at the same time resource-efficient manner.

是以,ARRK Engineering|埃尔科工程 開辟了一種法子来阐發有关详细操作域和相干場景的模子,如都會交通或高速公路。不许确或失真的数据可以被改正或删除,ADAS得以以一種有针對性的、靠得住的、同時也是節省資本的方法举行練習。


Well-known OEMs are leading the way, mobility start-ups are following suit and consumers want it: more and more vehicles are being equipped with level 2 and level 3 driver-assistance systems.


Thus, every day, numerous road users rely on lane keeping assists or autosteer (LKA/LCA), automated parking and adaptive cruise control (ACC). The general safety on the roads – and thus the safety of all ro支票借錢,ad users – therefore depends to a large extent on the proper functioning of these systems. To ensure this, their neuronal networks are trained with the help of huge data sets. The models are intended to represent all possible situations that the vehicle may encounter in everyday traffic and thus serve as a recognition and calculation basis for the autonomous reactions of the ADAS in the field.


Huge data sets: the vicious cycle of the mass


The more complex the functionalities of different ADAS, the more specific data sets are required for their training. In order to cover all possible traffic situations, the data sets have been expanded more and more in recent years, focusing primarily on mass, i.e. the sheer number of recording hours or of annotated objects in different weather and lighting conditions.


However, this inevitably increases the proportion of data that is inaccurate or simply unsuitable for a particular operational domain. To ensure that the newly developed ADAS continue to function reliably, their quality deficit has in turn been compensated for with quantity – a vicious cycle. This has already led to very long development times with many iteration loops, in which the training of the neural networks alone takes several weeks.



To escape this dile妹妹a, the automotive industry needs to shift the focus away from quantity and towards quality of data sets. Therefore, the machine learning specialists at ARRK Engineering have developed an approach to validate the processes with regard to an operational domain and to correct them if necessary. In this way, development can be made more efficient and, more importantly, the functional safety of the ADAS can be increased – an essential prerequisite for its future further development into higher levels of autonomous driving.

為了解脱這類窘境,汽車行業必要将重點從数据集的数目轉移到質量上。是以,ARRK Engineering|埃尔科工程 的呆板進修專家已開辟出一種法子,以驗證與操作范畴有关的流程,并在需要時對其举行批改。經由過程這類方法,可以提高開辟效力,更首要的是,可以提高ADAS的功效性平安,這是将来進一步成长為更高程度的主動駕驶的需要条件。

The above content was created by Václav Diviš, Senior Expert Machine Learning at ARRK Engineering, and presented at the SafetyAI 2023 conference. In the next issue, we'll continue to share the case studies from the report and provide a way to download the full report, so stay tuned!

以上内容由ARRK Engineering|埃尔科工程 的呆板進修高档專家Václav Diviš創作并在AAAI人工智能大會 SafetyAI 2023分论坛宣读,下期咱們将继续分享该陈述中的案例鑽研,并供给完备陈述的下载方法,敬辟穀茯苓糕,请等待!

Senior Expert Machine Learning  :Václav Diviš



接待存眷VX:ARRK 德國埃尔科


ARRK Engineering GmbH 原名 P+Z Engineering GmbH,建立于1967年,总部位于德國慕尼黑,在英國、罗马尼亚、日本、中國和马来西亚均設有分公司或辦公室,是汽車及航空航天等行業内浩繁國際一线品牌的持久互助火伴,為客户供给高真個工程開辟咨询辦事與独家自研產物。

ARRK China|埃尔科中國 是德國 ARRK Engineering GmbH 在中國設立的全資子公司,志為中國汽車范畴供给世界一流的工程技能辦事。

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